Government set to miss key nature targets after ignoring own advice From Open Democracy The government is set to miss its flagship ‘30 by 30’ biodiversity target after ignoring recommendations from…
We need mass public pressure for Government funding for the retrofit crisis in the West Midlands From Birmingham Against The Cuts We need mass public pressure for Government funding for the retrofit crisis in the West…
Hugo Blanco: ‘Social movements in defense of our territories are our hope’ From Climate&Capitalism Hugo Blanco: ‘Social movements in defense of our territories are our hope’ December 3, 2022 Peruvian peasant leader…
Making sense of COP15- what to look for in Montreal From the Guardian Everything you need to know about the once-in-a-decade chance to stop the loss of biodiversity – and…
Cumbria coal mine sparks widespread outrage The decision to green light plans to open a new coal mine in Cumbria has met with widespread opposition from…
BREAKING NEWS- Tories approve Cumbria coal mine- its time to act now! Thanks to Allan Todd for quick response to this breaking story. FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION FRIDAY 9 DEC: DEMO: XR North…
The UK needs a right to food From Open Democracy The UK needs a ‘right to food’. This is how it could work in practice As prices…
COP27 was a spectacular failure – boycotting future COP conferences , however, would only compound the problem From Ecosocialist Discussion (This article complements my article that assessed the first week of COP27 which can be found at )…
Interview: Sir Partha Dasgupta on finding a natural remedy to the destruction of nature From This article summarises the arguments for balance input campaigns on climate heating, degradation of the earth’s resources, and…
The Fertiliser Trap From The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy GRAIN The rising cost of farming’s addiction to chemical fertilisers Used under…