Britain Geographical Pollution Waste A brilliant “Led By Donkeys” video on the water companies The companies are in debt to the tune of £60bn – and have paid out dividends of £57bn! Now Thames…
Britain Fossil Fuels Geographical Green New Deal Just Transition Labour Party Trade Unions Labour’s crackdown on free thinkers: it’s bad for the party and politics The Guardian on the growing purge in the Labour Party- which has serious implications for our ability to develop a…
Amazonia Climate Change Direct action Ecosocialism Imperialism Indigenous Peoples Internationalism Marxism Hugo Blanco 15.11.1934‑25.06.2023 Derek Wall celebrates the life of his friend and comrade Hugo Blanco Hugo Blanco, who died on Sunday 25th June, was…
Carbon pricing Climate Change Energy Food Fossil Fuels Green New Deal Health Housing and Building Recycling Sustainability Waste When it comes to rich countries taking the environment seriously, I say: vive la France When doing the bare minimum is a radical act… George Monbiot from the Guardian. Emmanuel Macron’s government is at least…
Biodiversity Climate Change Ecological tipping points could occur much sooner than expected, study finds An alarming report from The Guardian. Amazon rainforest and other ecosystems could collapse ‘very soon’, researchers warn Jonathan Watts Global…
Britain Geographical Green New Deal Housing and Building Just Transition Labour Party Local government Sustainability Trade Unions Transport We need Democracy Driven Governance for climate action by Birmingham Council From Birmingham Against the Cuts This is the beginning of the new Council year, when Birmingham Cabinet members announce their…
Growth Sustainability Degrowth and Socialism- an online public meeting ONLINE PUBLIC MEETING Monday 26th June, 7.30pm Zoom link here Economic growth is central to mainstream economics. Politicians insist that…
Britain Direct action Fossil Fuels Geographical Green New Deal Growth Just Transition Labour Party Local government Sustainability Trade Unions Extinction Rebellion, The Big One and the Labour Movement Rob Marsden writes: Extinction Rebellion’s “The Big One”, a long weekend of climate actions, pickets and demonstrations in London last…
Britain Farming Food Geographical Genetic Technology Act passes into law but still much to fight for From Thin Ice GM Freeze, Thin Ice, 5 June 2023 On Thursday 23 March, the deeply flawed Genetic Technology (Precision…
Britain Ecosocialism Geographical Green New Deal Growth Just Transition Labour Party Local government Sustainability Trade Unions Nine questions for Rachel Reeves and Keir Starmer From Urban Ramblings, a very topical piece which raises some important questions. In the week that the sky all along…