Local government, climate policy and public engagement Red Green Labour supporter Richard Hatcher writes on local government, climate policy and public engagement. On 28 June the WMCA…
TUC Report: 42,000 jobs can be created making UK schools safer, greener and more energy efficient A useful report from the TUC. Issue date 07 Jul 2022 Funding already allocated covers just 3% of retrofits needed…
High court ruling deems government’s net zero climate strategy ‘unlawful’ From Left Foot Forward A ‘breakthrough moment’ for climate delay and inaction, means the government will have to revise its…
Doctors for Extinction Rebellion break glass at JP Morgan’s in ’emergency’ heatwave protest Via the Morning Star, a report of XR Medics taking targeted direct action in response to the heatwave. Also see…
Scathing climate report published as the planet burns This timely article by Alan Thornett was first published on his Ecosocialist Discussion blog. Tory carbon reduction record shredded The…
SERA executive accused of attempting to rig Labour affiliate’s internal elections We previously covered the politics of the ongoing issues within SERA. This article on Labour List gives further background including…
The Climate Spiral… a short but telling video from NASA From the NASA Scientific Visualization Studio The video shows Earth’s warming from 1880 to 2021 with red spirals indicating warmer…
Against climate change, against dictatorship: a message from Cairo Red Green Labour is pleased to publish and endorse this statement by Egyptian activists in the run up to COP…
What are the green credentials of the MPs who could replace Boris Johnson? From edie.net, a useful look at the records of the Toty contenders. With Prime Minister Boris Johnson having resigned, media…
Stop EACOP – Trade Union Briefing Stop EACOP – Trade union Briefing Start: Monday, July 11, 2022• 6:30 PM • British Summer Time (GMT+01:00) This is a virtual event French…