Climate in crisis – SERA must up its game Published today on Labour Net, this article by four members of SERA, relates to serious shortcomings of that organisation and…
A Windfall Tax on Covid Profits Could Ease the Catastrophic Food Crisis From The Guardian. A levy on food and fossil fuel giants could save lives now and help create a sustainable…
CCC progress report: What sectors (if any) are on course to reach net-zero emissions? Whilst very business focused, and not approaching the questions from a left perspective, this article has a lot of very…
Ecosocialist Discussion- a new blog The work of Red-Green Labour supporter Alan Thornett will need little introduction for many readers of this website. Now Alan…
George Monbiot calls for the end of (almost all) animal farming This short (6 minute) film by George Monbiot is based on his recent book Regenesis: Feeding the world without devouring…
Solidarity with RMT members – no Climate Justice without workplace justice The Climate Justice Coalition stands in solidarity with RMT members taking industrial action to protect their pay, jobs and working…
When We Fight Climate Change, We Fight Gender-Based Violence From the Food Tank Newsletter… By Dani Nierenberg None of us are immune from the effects of the climate crisis—but…
Egypt can’t deliver a just transition at COP27 while workers’ rights are on the line From the TUC website. As Egypt prepares to take over the COP27 presidency and countries gather for the Bonn Climate…
Digital Ecosocialism Breaking the power of Big Tech A long but fascinating read. Originally from The Transnational Institute. We can no longer ignore the role of Big Tech…
‘Consequences will be dire’: Chile’s water crisis is reaching breaking point From The Guardian. A pier at the dried Aculeo Lake in Paine, in 2019. For decades the lake was one…