The Fight for a Socialist Green New Deal – online meeting Socialist Campaign Group The Socialist Campaign Group is holding an online meeting on Monday, 17th January which should be of interest to Red…
Defusing the Global Climate Emergency Depends on Defusing the Democracy Emergency First published by The Guardian. This version from The Nation. On the first anniversary of the January 6 insurrection, we’re…
Beyond Glasgow – What happened at COP26 and where we go next… On Saturday, 4 December, activists in Glasgow held a first gathering to take stock and plan future steps, writes Iain…
Chile’s Atacama Desert: Where Fast Fashion Goes to Die A shocking article from Eco Watch. Tiffany Duong Nov 15, 2021 11:00AM EST View of used clothes discarded in the…
Fossil fuel cuts: Promises vs Plans From Climate and Capitalism. The fossil fuel production gap — the difference between global fossil fuel production projected by governments’…
The Oxford Real Farming Conference 2022: 5th-7th January The Oxford Real Farming Conference is always a very interesting event. This year’s conference starts today- here is a link…
The Great Plastic Bag Myth Sean Thompson skewers a few myths…. Among the mass of fake news stories promoted variously by right wing cranks, cynical…
Collapse of Antarctica’s “Doomsday” Glacier to Dramatically Raise Sea Levels From the Greek Reporter website. Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier, referred to now as the “Doomsday” glacier, may melt in three years,…
After the revolution- will more growth be a must? A festive treat for all our readers… This fascinating article by Red Green Labour supporter Sean Thompson dates way back…
After Cop26- Build The Global Movement Alan Thornett asks, what happened in Glasgow – and where do we go from here? Many on the radical left…