“Everything about carmaking is changing at once. The industry must reinvent itself to keep pace.” From Birmingham Against the Cuts website On April 27 BATC asked “How safe are jobs in the auto industry in…
CAZ: The local election issue that unites Tories and conspiracy theorists From Open Democracy, an article relevant to the debate around 15 Minute Cities… One anti-ULEZ group is linked to Vote…
Labour’s Green New Deal motion passed by Holborn & St Pancras GC We are pleased to report that the motion below was passed unanimously by Holborn and St Pancras CLP. This was…
Ecological insecurity is about more than climate change From Dan Smith’s Blog, this article introduces Sipri’s new report Five questions on ecological security Beyond the climate crisis, other related…
Ready for The Big One The Big One starts tomorrow with a series of ‘Peoples Pickets’ at key government departments in London. We reproduce below…
Beyond the car – Oxford’s much maligned ‘15-minute city’ Alan Thornett writes: This piece is a response to an article published on the Socialist Appeal website by Sjoerd Smit, a member of…
Rhetoric Aside, India Must Find Answers to These Seven Critical Questions on Green Hydrogen Pritam Singh and Simon Pirani, writing in The Wire There’s so much fanfare around green hydrogen in the ruling establishment…
“We need to create the biggest movement that has ever been…” Building for The Big One Extinction Rebellion is re-circulating this video by George Monbiot from three years ago. The message…
Building for The Big One Nearly 100 organisations have signed up for The Big One and their details are on the XR website here. Red-Green…