As regular readers will be aware Red Green Labour has published a large number of articles on the themes of waste, waste disposal, incineration, growth and sustainability.
Just a few recent posts include:
- Changing minds about incinerating residue waste
- Why we oppose the Ratcliffe on Soar incinerator
- What sort of circular economy?
- Amazon is a symbol of capitalisms wastefulness
Roland Rance will be pulling together some of these threads at our next open meeting on July 31st at 5pm

But we need to take a step back, and start asking what is waste, where it comes from, why it is even considered “waste”.
The resources of the planet are not unlimited, and we need to conserve them and use them with care, rather than dispose of them thoughtlessly.”
Please register here to join the meeting:…/tZUrc…
Our discussion on waste will be followed by some shorter business items about future plans.
We are experimenting with different times, as a number of people find Sunday mornings when we had been meeting difficult.
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