Climate Change Direct action Farming Food Geographical India Why aren’t we talking about farmers in India? An article by Raj Patel from the Boston Review India’s farmers are fighting in a global war over the future…
Farming Food Sustainability Community food systems should be part of the new normal A great article by Christian Jaccarini first published at New Economics Foundation. A local, decentralised food system isn’t just good…
Britain Food Geographical Imperialism How the British Empire built the food system that is destroying the planet This review first appeared in Tribune. “as the environmental historian Chris Otter shows in his remarkable new book, Diet for a…
Australia Biodiversity Food Sustainability Tasmania’s Toxic Secret From the Australian magazine The Monthly, this article by Richard Flanagan, Justin Kurzel and Conor Castles-Lynch exposes the rotting underbelly…
Climate Change Ecosocialism Farming Food Sustainability Tony Allan 1937-2021 Our friend Tony Allan, a long-time Red Green Labour supporter, has died at the age of 84. His colleagues…
Amazonia Direct action Farming Food Indigenous Peoples Internationalism Mining Sustainability Anglo American, eyeing copper on protected indigenous land From Greenpeace’s Unearthed blog 15.04.2021 Lucy Jordan and Hyury Potter @lucyjord@hyurypotter Munduruku people of the Brazilian Amazon demanding Anglo American…
Climate Change Farming Food Sustainability Climate Emergency causes 30% drop in Agricultural Productivity Growth In this short but informative piece on Informed Comment Juan Cole reports on a new paper in the journal Nature-Climate…
COP26 Farming Food Internationalism Sustainability Women Alternatives to Industrial Farming- Our submission to FTGU2 Whilst our proposal to From The Ground Up 2 was not selected we thought it worth sharing together with supporting…
Britain Climate Change Direct action Energy Farming Fascism Food Fossil Fuels Geographical Internationalism From the Ground Up 2: Taking Action From 22-25 April 2021, the COP26 Coalition will host From the Ground Up: Taking Action, our second global gathering for…
Europe Farming Food Geographical Sustainability New GM technology has no place in sustainable farming This is a basic introduction to gene editing technology from the Green / EFA group in the European Parliament. The…