Farming Food Sustainability USA Five reasons why big agribusiness loves the House Farm Bill From Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy by Ben Lilliston Most of us were fast asleep in the early hours…
Geographical Imperialism Nuclear power Nuclear weapons USA Waste Biden’s horse-trading on nuclear technology and fuels is an unprecedented proliferation risk From the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists By Alan J. Kuperman | September 6, 2023 President Joe Biden talks on the phone…
Climate Change Geographical USA Phoenix’s vulnerable residents suffer through record heat at night From The Guardian Only one cooling center remains open all night, when the concrete radiates heat stored during hellish daytime…
Climate Change Energy Fossil Fuels Geographical Health incineration Just Transition Sustainability USA Waste The Biggest ‘Renewable’ Power Plant in the UK Burns Wood Processed in Poor, Black Communities in the US From Novara Media by Simon Childs 10 May 2023 Drax power station in North Yorkshire. REUTERS/Lee Smith It is “no mistake”…
Climate Change Fossil Fuels Geographical Green New Deal Sustainability USA Inside the Democrats’ climate deal with the devil A more negative assessment of Biden’s climate package, from Open Democracy. The new climate package furthers the US’ most profligate…
COP26 COP27 Geographical Green New Deal Just Transition USA Biden’s Climate Act- a potential game changer First published on Alan Thornett’s website Ecosocialist Discussion Joe Biden’s Climate Act – confusingly called the Inflation Reduction Act –…
Biodiversity Climate Change Geographical Health USA How Lyme Disease Became Unstoppable From The Nation. There was nothing inevitable about the Lyme epidemic. Then humans disrupted the environment and fueled an era…
Britain Climate Change Fossil Fuels Geographical Green New Deal USA Green New Deals: What Shapes Green and Deal? By Les Levidow originally published here. ABSTRACT In the US and UK, Green New Deal (GND) agendas have gained significant…
Climate Change Direct action Geographical Green New Deal Marxism USA Defusing the Global Climate Emergency Depends on Defusing the Democracy Emergency First published by The Guardian. This version from The Nation. On the first anniversary of the January 6 insurrection, we’re…
Climate Change Direct action Geographical USA Chevron’s Intimidation Campaign From Dissent Magazine, this article looks at Chevron’s campaign of intimidation against climate activists. Aaron Regunberg writes: The oil company…