Fossil Fuels Pollution Recycling Sustainability Waste The Great Plastic Bag Myth Sean Thompson skewers a few myths…. Among the mass of fake news stories promoted variously by right wing cranks, cynical…
Biodiversity Carbon pricing Climate Change COP26 Direct action Ecosocialism Fossil Fuels Internationalism Just Transition Student strikes After Cop26- Build The Global Movement Alan Thornett asks, what happened in Glasgow – and where do we go from here? Many on the radical left…
COP26 Direct action Fossil Fuels Internationalism Just Transition Sustainability Trade Unions What’s next for Climate Justice? Red Green Labour is happy to share the message below from the Cop26 Coalition. We broadly agree that the decisions…
Climate Change Europe Fossil Fuels Geographical Transport Germany’s new coalition: changing gear on climate A possibly over-optimistic assessment but this article contains some useful background to the change of government in Germany and what…
Britain Climate Change Energy Fossil Fuels Geographical Sustainability The millions of tons of carbon emmisions that don’t officially exist… An interesting piece from The New Yorker on biomass and the Drax power station. In the North of England, in…
Britain Climate Change COP26 Energy Fossil Fuels Geographical Just Transition Why Shell pulled out of the Cambo oil field Stopping the further extraction and exploitation of fossil fuels has to be a central goal of the environmental movement and…
Climate Change Fossil Fuels Greenwash: Oil industry promotes carbon capture fantasy Fossil fuel production gets rebranded as “carbon management.” by June Sekera and Neva Goodwin The Conversation, November 23, 2021 After decades…
Britain Climate Change Fossil Fuels Geographical How the Tories Profit from the Climate Crisis A very topical article by Freddie Daley writing in Tribune. From subsidies to second jobs, the interests of fossil fuel…
Britain Climate Change Farming Food Fossil Fuels Geographical Growth Housing and Building Transport Waste The UK government’s Net Zero Strategy just does not add up From the People and Nature blog. The UK government claims, extravagantly, that it is aiming for “net zero”. But the…
Climate Change Fossil Fuels Growth Pollution Waste A chicken can’t lay a duck egg… and that’s why the market can’t solve the climate crisis From Climate And Capitalism Bernice Maxton-Lee is co-author, with Graeme Maxton, of Resetting Our Future: A Chicken Can’t Lay a Duck…