Direct action Ecosocialism Fossil Fuels Growth Sustainability Bill Gates Can’t Save the World In this article from Tribune magazine Grace Blakeley explains why Bill Gates cannot solve all our problems… Bill Gates is…
Biodiversity Food Fossil Fuels Sustainability Scientists Demand Stop to Tree Burning as Climate Solution This article which first appeared at Common Dreams takes up the argument against biomass as a solution to climate change…
Fossil Fuels Pollution Sustainability Transport Lithium, Batteries and Climate Change This article by Jonathan Neale first appeared on the Climate and Capitalism website and is an important contribution to the…
Ecosocialism Fossil Fuels Fracking Green New Deal Growth Sustainability Trade Unions How To Stop Climate Breakdown This review of Jonathan Neale’s important new book Fight the Fire first appeared on The Ecologist website. By Brendan…
Ecosocialism Fossil Fuels Growth Sustainability Degrowth: Socialism without Growth This article, republished from Brave New Europe is a serious and well argued contribution to a necessary and ongoing strategic…
Direct action Ecosocialism Fossil Fuels Fracking A Reckless Short Cut Alan Thornett offers a critical review of How to Blow up a Pipeline by Andreas Malm, published by Verso in January…
Britain COP26 Fossil Fuels 2020 was the joint hottest year ever recorded This Guardian article makes for alarming reading, confirming what we expected, that global warming continues apace bringing with it climate…
Fossil Fuels Pollution Abandoned oil and gas wells leave the ocean floor spewing methane The Gulf of Mexico is littered with tens of thousands of abandoned oil and gas wells, and toothless regulation leaves…
Britain Ecosocialism Fossil Fuels Green New Deal Labour Party Labour’s Climate Conservatism This recent article by Chris Saltmarsh, in Tribune magazine, is very welcome. Chris points to the apparent drift in Labour…
Britain Fossil Fuels Pollution Waste incineration- why it is making the climate crisis worse Red-Green Labour activist Sean Thompson argues that far from being an answer to the problems of waste disposal and electricity…