Britain Farming Geographical Sustainability British protein crops could help replace soya Via Wicked Leeks: By Nina Pullman Feeding animals with UK-grown protein crops could help replace imported soya that is grown…
Britain Geographical Green New Deal Health Housing and Building Just Transition Local government ‘It can’t be sustainable’: The hidden costs of demolishing council housing estates From The Big Issue. For decades, tearing down and “regenerating” council estates has been the norm – but with the…
Britain Energy Fossil Fuels Geographical Health Housing and Building Just Transition Two enemies, one fight: climate disaster and frightful energy bill Another piece from People and Nature. Two clouds darken the sky. A close-up one: gas and electricity bills have shot…
Britain Climate Change Energy Fossil Fuels Geographical Growth Just Transition The ‘energy security’ strategy that promises more oil and gas From People and Nature. In this guest post, PETER SOMERVILLE examines the UK government’s “energy security strategy” The UK government’s…
Climate Change Geographical Imperialism India Indigenous Peoples Internationalism Just Transition Pollution South Asia’s Heatwave Is Only the Beginning From Tribune magazine, by Chris Saltmarsh of Labour For A Green New Deal. The record heatwave hitting India and Pakistan…
Britain Climate Change Direct action Geographical Health Who cares about climate change? An article in the British Medical Journal by its former editor-in-chief and a supporter of Extinction Rebellion. The text is…
Britain Geographical Green New Deal Growth Just Transition Labour Party Local government Sustainability Doughnut Economics- five years on. Alan Thornett reviews Kate Raworth’s 2017 book Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist. This article first appeared…
Amazonia Climate Change Farming Food Geographical The great climate greenwash: Global meat giant JBS’ emissions leap by 51% in five years From the Institute For Agriculture and Trade Policy: One year ago, JBS, the world’s largest meat processor, pledged to reach…
Britain Geographical Green New Deal Labour Party Uncategorized Notice of SERA AGM 2022 We have received the notice (below) from SERA for their AGM. If you are a SERA member, please make a…
Africa Climate Change Ecosocialism Geographical Just Transition Durban’s latest Rain Bomb kills more than 300 and unveils state climate sloth Via International Viewpoint and the Global Ecosocialist Network: FRIDAY 22 APRIL 2022, BY MARY GALVIN, PATRICK BOND Floods again ravaged South Africa’s…