Britain Green New Deal MEETING- Does Labour have a Green New Deal / post-Covid recovery plan? Red Green labour is happy to help publicise this meeting of Islington Labour Environment Forum. Wednesday 24th March 7pm The…
Britain Climate Change Direct action Geographical Student strikes Whatever happened to the UK Youth Climate Strikes? First published at Novara Media, in this piece Clare Hymer asks what happened to the UK Climate Strikes. The night…
Britain Energy Geographical Nuclear power Small Modular Reactors- The final threat from the nuclear lobby By rights, the idea of nuclear power stations as sustainable and environmentally neutral sources of energy in Britain’s electricity generation…
Britain Farming Food Labour Party Sustainability Red Wall voters’ attitudes to regulation and food standards Yesterday we posted about the support given by so-called Red Wall voters to environmental policies. An earlier study at Unchecked.Uk…
Britain Ecosocialism Green New Deal Labour Party Local government How do we make a Socialist Green New Deal a salient issue in elections in May? Our friends at Labour For A Green New Deal are hosting a planning conference for activists across the UK to…
Britain Green New Deal Labour Party Local government Red Wall voters strongly support green policies We have continually argued that Labour must not junk the radical and transformative environmental policies in its 2017 and 2019…
Britain Climate Change Direct action Energy Fossil Fuels Green New Deal Young activists fight Cumbrian coal mine The great strides in Labour environmental policy over the past few years were largely driven by the concerns of younger…
Climate Change Energy Fossil Fuels Geographical USA Wind Turbines can handle the cold just fine! A companion to the pieces published yesterday. Some Republicans want us to think wind turbines caused the Texas blackout. Here’s…
Climate Change Energy Fossil Fuels Geographical Green New Deal USA Cold Truth- The Texas Freeze is a Catastrophe of the Free Market The article below by James Galbraith was originally published at the Institute For New Economic Thinking website. Readers may also…
Direct action Ecosocialism Farming Food Geographical India Internationalism Indian farmers confront agribusiness and Hindu nationalist agenda of Modi government We are pleased to publish a guest post for Red Green Labour by Pritam Singh, Professor Emeritus, Oxford Brookes University,…